Thursday, February 28, 2013

Castle Round Table: "Hunt" Free on

Daddy issues and spy games abounded this week, as Castle concluded its suspenseful two-parter with “Hunt.

Below, our Round Table team of TV Fanatic writers Jim Garner, Chandel Charles, and Christine Orlando are joined by Castle fan Heather from The 12th Fan Forum as they decide if James Brolin hit the right mark as Castle’s long lost daddy and whether they prefer Bad Ass Beckett or Super Spy Castle.


What was your favorite scene?

Jim: I loved Kate reaching the end of her rope with the girlfriend and kicking her her over in her chair and then flinging the pictures at her. If for no other reason than she called Rick her “partner,” which I loved!

Chandel: Probably the sequence where we got to see father and son in action saving Alexis. It was nice to move beyond the father shocker quickly, but still have it flow seamlessly into the rest of the narrative.

Heather: The levity provided in the “Jackson Hunt/Sounds made up/It is” scene. That singular moment gave such insight into who Brolin’s character is & showed how the Castle apple did not fall far from the tree. Does this give a whole new meaning to the safeword now?

Christine: The homecoming. Yes, I’m a sap at heart. I loved that everyone was home safe and that Kate was no longer an outsider but a true part of the Castle celebration.  Knowing that Castle told them about his father made it even better… I just wish we could have witnessed him doing so.

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What did you think of James Brolin as Daddy Castle?

Jim: He was a great choice. He had a little bit of Rick’s sense of humor and all of his loyalty.

Chandel: Epic. I think it only appropriate that someone wildly famous be Castle’s father. We would not have been satisfied with anything less.

Heather: Perfecto! Ruggedly handsome? Check. Concerned parental figure? Check. Inadvertently responsible for son becoming a writer? Priceless! Plus, any concerns about future adverse affects on Castle/Alexis as a result of this situation were eliminated by the time the credits rolled.

Christine: I was worried that they couldn’t pull it off. I needn’t have been. James Brolin was perfect from the cocky wit to the loyalty and protectiveness, he hit all the right notes. Plus, he really is ruggedly handsome.

Will Rick ever see Jackson Hunt again?

Jim: I suspect we will. And the idea that Rick decided to be a writer based on a book handed to him by a father he didn’t know and then ended up doing spy novels when his dad is a spy? Mind. Blown

Chandel: Definitely. I think now that he has a name and a story, it’s much more likely he can be woven in somewhere in the future.

Heather: This episode was so well done that even if we/Rick do not see him again (but really? we MUST), Castle and Alexis can still be who they are – just with a little more confidence in their lineage.

Christine: The show did a great job of giving us answers but leaving the audience and Rick with plenty of questions. I know I want to see him back and I’m sure now that Castle knows a bit of the truth he’ll only want to find out the whole story. 
Badass Beckett or Super Spy Castle? Which was your favorite?

Jim: I’m giving them both 11s. Rick was ama ing and, as I said above, Kate rocked it! Sorry, they both are my favorite.

Chandel: I think Super Spy Castle was pretty impressive. You could see both the writer and the pseudo-cop at work in Castle the entire episode and it was great.

Heather: What… no Awesome Alexis to complete the Castle ABCs? Tough choice and while Badass Beckett is always a favorite of mine, this time it’s Super Spy Castle that wins out.

Christine: Beckett blew me away in that interrogation scene yet Castle was completely awesome in the world of spies trying to get his little girl back. I honestly don’t think I can choose.

Where does this rate in the scheme of all of the two-parters?

Jim: At the top. From the introduction of Papa Castle to Kate telling Rick never to do something that stupid without her again, it was by far one of my favorite episodes ever.

Chandel: This one comes in second only to the Castle Season 3 two-parter.

Heather: Season 2′s “Tick/Boom” retains that honor for me, though “Target/Hun”t both run a VERY close second. Well done all around.

Christine: This hits the top of my list. It felt the most cohesive and had me holding my breath from beginning to end. I absolutely loved it.

C. Orlando is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Castle Round Table: "Hunt"

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