Monday, June 24, 2013

Mad Men: Season Finale Review Free on

Note: Full spoilers for the Mad Men: Season 6 finale follow.

The Mad Men season finale was a wonderful episode that changed things in a huge way for the core characters on the series. When Don suggested to Megan they move to Los Angeles, it seemed like they would really do it and I was already pondering what a final season of the show would be like with such a location change. But it made sense – the entire series has shown Don’s pull towards the west coast and how it represents freedom to him in a lot of ways.

Ultimately, it wasn’t to be of course, but plenty still occurred, as Megan quit her job, believing she and Don had a game plan. Don’s clearly grasping at straws suggesting to Megan they be a “bicoastal” couple. Megan herself seemed to understand the marriage was effectively over, but we’ll see next season if they’ve finally dropped any pretense of there being a future between them.

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