Sunday, March 31, 2013

Doctor Who: Midseason Premiere Review Free on

Full Episode Spoilers Ahead…

Like all the great inventions – the wheel, electricity, cat memes – it’s now hard to imagine living in a world without the internet.

Let’s put it this way: if we had to choose between an apocalypse brought about by ombies or wi-fi, we know which we’d have a better shot of surviving (ready availability of baseball bats willing).

So while The Bells of St John didn’t quite deliver on the full-scale meltdown of an internetalypse, it had more than enough energy, character and spectacle to prove a rollocking kickstart to the concluding part of Season 7.

Plot-wise, we picked up where we left off at the end of last year’s Christmas special ‘The Snowmen’. Clara had been killed. Again. But with her dying words she managed one last tug on the Doctor’s brain-yarn (innuendo ahoy), catalysing a spiralling series of questions, and a brand new mission – who, what and how is Clara Oswald?!

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