Thursday, March 28, 2013

Grey's Recap: She Ain’t Crazy, She’s a Mother! Free on

This week on Grey’s Anatomy, special guest star Sarah Chalke is so convinced that her son has something way worse than strep that she convinces everyone else that she’s nuts. Everyone, that is, except for Meredith, who respects her mother’s intuition and finally diagnoses the boy as having Kawasaki disease. Afterward, Mer asks Bailey to do her genome mappy thing on ola so that, if need be, she, like Sarah, will be able to fight for her child. She also wants to be checked out herself, for fear that she’ll someday be stricken with Al heimer’s. Meanwhile, the rest of the hospital deals with the fallout from a tanker explosion by necking, crying and calling each other names. What? Doesn’t your HMO cover necking?

RELATED | Sarah Chalke Opens Up About Bringing Her Personal Crisis to Grey’s Anatomy

THIS MIGHT HURT A LITTLE | When Matthew is brought in injured after saving a kid’s life in the tanker blowup, April is all “OMG! OMG!” to his face. However, behind the scenes, she seems to be rethinking her past (and future?!) with Jackson. (When he comforts her following the death of a patient, they nearly kiss, even!) Later, as April prattles on to Matthew about God intending some people to be together, Matthew jumps to the absolute wrong conclusion and announces, “I love you, too.” Awkward.

STICKS AND STONES | After Alex finds Jo and Chesty making out – twice, for Pete’s sake! – the level of animosity between the rivals rises to such a level that it’s a wonder sedatives aren’t prescribed. “You’re a douche,” Alex says. “You’re a douche,” Chesty replies. And with that, they conclude their Oscar Wilde quote-along.

RELATED | Grey’s Casting News: Hilarie Burton Lands ‘Special’ Sweeps Role

FATHER FIGURE | When both of a boy’s parents are left in serious condition following the highway disaster, Owen’s paternal instincts kick in big time. In fact, not only does he bond with the youngster, he even questions Cristina’s treatment of his dad. Oh no you di’n’t!

HEADACHE | Explaining that Owen says she “need[s] to learn brainy things,” Heather crashes Shane’s rounds with Derek. But, as soon as McDreamy warms to Mousy, ol’ Happy goes from being supportive and encouraging of his friend to paranoid and nasty to his foe.

SPEECH! SPEECH! | Callie is bummed that, because of all the surgeries that suddenly need to be performed, she won’t be able to attend the TED conference – until Ari ona lets slip that her cartilage speech is deadly dull. Luckily, by the time Ari ona and Richard arrange for Callie to “attend” via videoconference, she’s been coached enough to know that she needs to personali e her talk.

Okay, your turn. Hit the comments!

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