Monday, May 27, 2013

Mad Men: "The Better Half" Review Free on

Note: Full spoilers for this episode follow.

I love how this show can just throw a curve ball at us. Oh, sure, we see other plotlines get more traditional set ups, but then there’s a situation like Don and Betty hooking up at Bobby’s summer camp. It just happened, fueled by them having a sweet family moment together with their son and then reminiscing about the old days, sitting on some steps together. And it’s very likely it won’t be the start of some new affair between them but simply… a thing that happened that one time, between two people with a connection that goes back many years.

Don Draper can be so frustrating because he’s so trapped in his own self-destructive cycle. Betty, with 20/20 hindsight, was very spot on when she told him, after they slept together, “I love the way you look at me when you’re like this, but then I watch it decay. I can only hold your attention so long.” This was very similar to what Dr. Faye told Don a few years back – that he only likes “the beginning of things.” The question, as always, is if Don can finally hear these things enough for it to make an impact. Betty even, for the first time, expressed sympathy for Megan, remarking, “That poor girl. She doesn’t know that loving you is the worst way to get to you.”

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