Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Grimm Season 2 Review “Endangered” Free on

Grimm Season 2 Episode 19 Endangered (5)

What a disappointment. I was hoping that Grimm was going to start its new Tuesday night spot with a fun, fast paced episode that could bring in new viewers. Instead, we got a joyless, clunky episode with a pedestrian Wesen story, practically no action, and mythology nuggets awkwardly inserted. Not to mention the latest Juliette searching through her memories snoo er. Why Grimm? Why?!

The main Wesen this week was an alien looking creature called a Glühenvolk that glowed blue and needed to eat cow ovaries for its unborn baby. Yes, cow ovaries. At one point, we see the Glühenvolk running through a field, and it looks like something out of one of the SyFy paranormal or Bigfoot tracking shows. The Glühenvolk is pursued by a hawk-like Wesen species called Raub-Kondor who wants to kill them and sell their skins. When the Glühenvolk accidentally kills a human, Nick and Wu open an investigation. Nick discovers the real identity of the accidental killer and ropes Monroe and Rosalee into helping him track him down. The final scene should have been an exciting struggle between the hunter and Team Grimm, but it wasn’t. After a tense moment, Monroe pounces on the Raub-Kondor and the fight is over in about three seconds. It would’ve been far more entertaining to draw it out more and maybe let Nick get in a few of his super power moves.

For side plots, we get a mopey Nick who is upset because he doesn’t know the purpose of Aunt Marie’s key. Nick’s perpetual requests for help are starting to wear on Monroe and Rosalee, particularly when he interrupts the couple’s sweet moment in the kitchen. Nick tells Monroe about the key, which causes Monroe to dash downstairs in search of an old map of Bavaria that he thinks might be helpful. It’s starting to feel like there is some excitement building about the key for the episode. But, that quickly fi les. It looks like Renard is now the go to character for providing exposition about Grimm history. He gives some backstory on the keys that makes me question how this subplot will ever come to fruition. It sounds like Nick needs a trip to Germany. Are they actually going to have him leave Portland at some point? We’ve learned from Portlandia that Portland is the place where young people go to retire, and I’m starting to feel like this show has decided to order an AARP card and sit on the porch for the rest of its days. Where is the fun? Where is the excitement?

Rosalee’s character tries to bring some enthusiasm to the situation by explaining to Nick how rare the Glühenvolk are. Because this came so late in the episode, I’d lost interest by that point. We were also subjected to more moments of Juliette trying to regain her memories. Seriously, we are pretty far into the season now. There’s no reason for this to be dragging on. It’s actually causing fans to dislike her character. While Monroe’s speech about the Grimm was good, he might as well have been telling it to a tree stump. Juliette’s character and story are stagnated and something needs to change.

I really hope Grimm pulls it together by the end of the season. Right now, the episodes are inconsistent and swing between good and bad. If they can’t get their audience numbers up after The Voice lead in, the writers should take a hard look at their strategy and think about going in a different direction in season 3.

Follow me on Twitter @LaVaudreuil


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