Monday, July 8, 2013

True Blood Recap: All's Fair in Love and Warlow Free on

In Sunday’s episode of True Blood, the plot/plots thickens/thicken like a good remoulade sauce. (And yes, I did ask someone who can cook for help in writing the preceding sentence. I’m putting the “investigative” in “investigative reporter,” yo!) Not only do we get a new vampire, a new couple and a big, albeit temporary, casualty, Warlow’s identity (as well as quite a bit of his surprisingly toned physique!) is — as the title, “At Last,” foretells —revealed. Want the deets? Keep reading!

NO SUNNY, MO PROBLEMS | No sooner has Nora explained to Niall a) who Lilith is and b) that only her progeny — Warlow — can lead her to the sun, thereby defeating her, than the old coot has fairy- apped her a block away — where she’s summarily shot and apprehended by the authorities. (Apparently, someone in the writers’ room is as fond of her as I am.) Elsewhere, Billith and Jessica abduct Andy’s daughters — now a girl group made up of mouthy teenage Mini-Arlenes — and begin delivering their blood samples to Takahashi for synthesi ing. Unfortunately, he’s nowhere near a breakthrough when Jessica loses control and binges on the youngsters. “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!” she doesn’t say but is clearly thinking.

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TWISTS OF FAE | After Ben secretly sprouts fangs and feeds his blood to an unconscious Jason, the himbo and Niall deduce that he is actually Warlow. But, before they can get the drop on the crafty vampie (faimpire?), he kills Gramps, then — explaining in a suddenly British accent that good and evil battle within him — he revives Niall, cra y Nick Nolte hair and all, and banishes him to the same netherworld from whence he came. (Whew! Exhausting!) Meanwhile, Sookie, too, has come to the conclusion that Ben is Warlow. However, rather than confront, stake, report or shun him, she cooks him fried chicken laced with colloidal silver (unfa ed, he refrains from saying, “Tastes like chicken!”), puts on some Etta James and lets him think he’s gonna get lucky… for about a hot minute. Then, she flares up her magical fairy ball and reveals that, in spite of the fact that she let him get to second base, he doesn’t have her fooled.

THE PRODIGAL DAUGHTER RETURNS | After forcing Tara to tell him where she’s stashed Willa, Eric turns their hostage — making her only the second vampire he’s ever created (aw!). But then, to her horror, he sends her immediately home to explain to the Governor that fangers are people, too. (But… but… she’d already picked out the wedding dress, you could just tell!) At first, Eric’s scheme appears to be working — Daddy can’t deny his little girl. (Daddy’s strumpet, Sarah, on the other hand, wants her sent immediately to the torture chamber… er, lab.) Alas, the new vamp gets a whiff of Pop’s bloody hand and goes into a feeding fren y, giving her would-be stepmonster the perfect excuse to shoot her. “What about Pam and Tara?” you ask. They just bicker like mother and daughter (or lovers, take your pick), then Pam’s shot and captured by the authorities.

A HAIRY SITUATION | While the wolf pack sets off in hot pursuit of Emma, Nicole has a bigger meltdown over her devoured friends than Sam was afforded after Luna died in his arms. (Hello, drama queen!) Later — perhaps remembering her rescuer’s stint as a horse — she lets him comfort her with a make-out session (that presumably doesn’t stop at a make-out session).

Okay, your turn. What did you think of the episode? I know some of you suspected that Ben was Warlow. Was the reveal still satisfying? How funny was Jason’s homoerotic dream about Ben? (“Do it like you do it to yourself,” indeed!) And Andy trying to put out an APB on girls who could be between 7 and 70 years old? Lastly, how worried/hopeful are you that Eric’s line about death not being the end is foreshadowing? Hit the comments.

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