Monday, April 29, 2013

Castle Recap: 'Did You See the Hearts?' Free on

This week, ABC’s Castle used Season 5′s “bonus” episode to deliver what series creator Andrew W. Marlowe hoped was “the best clip show television has ever seen.” So… was it?

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The premise: While chasing a mad bomber, Beckett unwittingly triggers a pressure-sensitive bombing mechanism, forcing her to stand still for an indeterminate amount of time. To help distract Kate from the dire sitch, Rick stuck around and peppered her with questions about their time together as partners both professional and personal. Annnnnd cue flashbacks galore.

PHOTOS | Castle Season 5 Finale First Look — Rick and Kate Face Questions About the Future

Some notable lines/moments from the fresh scenes; please use comments to chime in with others:

* “Did you see the hearts…?”

* “If I had to be stuck not standing on a bomb, then I’m glad I’m stuck with you.”

* “Remember how that turned out?” — Kate, after Rick suggests to the bomb squad that they try “the old Indiana Jones/bag of sand/golden idol trick.”

* Rick pausing a montage of Kate’s naughty bon mots because “I was momentarily distracted by your di ying array of hairstyles over the years.” And Kate capping said montage with: “I can’t help it if you get off by putting things in my mouth.”

* Part of the fun was revisiting Castle‘s huge array of guest stars over the years. Who knew that Dallas bad girl Julie Gon alo had once been on?

* Esposito putting Kate and Rick on speakerphone, then tuning out, as they compare notes over who made whom jealous.

* Caskett’s shared dubbing of Martha Interruptus as “the scariest [experience] of all.”

* How fun was the montage of them speaking at same time? But for pure emotion, my favorite montage may have been the Beckett’s Greatest Hits one narrated by Captain Montgomery.

* “Always.”

* “Oh for heaven’s sake, detective, just kiss the man!” — Captain Gates, putting to rest that burning question (and then adding for good measure, “He deserves it.”)

But of course, no above moment compares to those four little words, delivered with Stana Katic’s take-no-prisoners simultaneous double tear: “Rick. I love you.” (Though “I think we’re just getting started” could run a close-ish second.)

What did you think of “Still”? Is it odder than ever that this was to run before “Squab and the Quail,” which opened with Rick acting so indifferent to his lady love? And while I can’t say I have a great recollection of “clip shows” from Happy Days and the like, yeah, this one was incredibly entertaining. And the bombing case was pretty intense and well-paced, though the eventual cracking of the code was a bit of a stretch.

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