Monday, April 29, 2013

Mad Men: "The Flood" Review Free on

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Mad Men hit another sad, inevitable touchstone moment this week, as it dealt with the assassination of Martin Luther King. The manner in which it occurred was very well done – as we followed several characters to an awards show and saw the awkwardness occurring between Peggy and Don, as Megan had to go say hello by herself. It was also really interesting to reali e the two people nominated for their work at SCDP were… Peggy and Megan! As Peggy noted, neither of them were even at the company anymore, which had to be a blow to SCDP, even with Don getting his own special award that night, as we saw later.

And then, in the midst of a star struck moment for everyone, watching Paul Newman speak, chaos erupts, as someone yells out about King’s assasination. The fact that what that guy yelled was so hard to understand was no doubt done on purpose, to put us in the mind frame of being there, trying to hear what everyone was so upset about and then suddenly reali ing the horrific event that had occurred.

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