Monday, April 29, 2013

Once Upon a Time Season 2 Review “The Evil Queen” – Addicted to Vengeance Free on

Once Upon a Time Season 2 Episode 20 The Evil Queen (3)

Accepting yourself for who you are isn’t always easy, and it’s even harder when everyone in the world hates the person you’ve become. Regina faced this reality in “The Evil Queen,” this week’s episode of Once Upon a Time, when she overheard Snow and Charming’s plan to give her a choice between staying in Storybrooke or returning to the Enchanted Forest for a lifetime of imprisonment. Never one to lie down and take it, Regina decided to destroy all the magic beanstalks, save for the one she’s cultivating behind glass at her house. How much do you want to bet that one comes back to bite in her in the end?

Regina is, without a doubt, the most complex character on the show, so I always love episodes that explore her layers. As it turns out, she didn’t always wear the title of Evil Queen with pride; in fact, she used magic to go undercover in her own kingdom to see why no one would help her kill Snow White. What she found was that not only did everyone, even her own soldiers, hate her, but that the one person who could see her good side was Snow White herself.

At least until Snow stumbled across a village Regina had ordered massacred and decided that Regina was beyond all help or care. Another thing I love about the show is the very complicated relationship between these two women. It’s not petty jealousy that drives Regina’s hatred of Snow. In fact, I sometimes wonder if she really does hate her stepdaughter, or if Snow was right about her just seeking an outlet for her pain. Regina was certainly very interested in finding out if Snow could forgive her. Conversely, does Snow really hate Regina, or does she feel guilty that her innocent actions turned Regina into a villain? Could she possibly need Regina’s forgiveness, not just for the stable boy’s death, but for Cora’s? Could granting that forgiveness be the key to Regina’s redemption?

How will Snow feel when she finds out that Greg and Tamara have captured Regina and neutered her magic? It’s one thing for the Enchanted Forest to bring Regina to justice; quite another for these people to do so in the name of science. Or whatever their cause is. At least Emma and Henry are on the case. Perhaps Emma will save her world not by defeating the forces of evil that already existed, but by fighting off this new, powerful enemy. It’s officially no longer a coincidence that Greg’s last name is Mendel. Magic versus science. The ultimate showdown?

Either way, you have to think that Hook’s speech about revenge (before he reali ed that his crocodile was still alive) is pretty much the key to the whole show. Love versus revenge. Too bad he didn’t take the lesson to heart and joined up with Greg and Tamara as soon as he spotted Gold and Belle walking and laughing together.

Oh! And Maleficent survived Emma’s assault from last season! At least, she did until Hook got thrown into her pit as Regina retrieved some sort of key that is now, unfortunately, in Greg and Tamara’s possession. Let’s hope whatever he did to escape didn’t succeeding in destroying her anymore than Charming’s blade did. Maleficent deserves better.

And while I have you here, did anyone else catch Snow’s line about learning to hunt from a man from another forest. Are we going to see Robin Hood again soon? I sure hope so.

What did you think about the episode? Let me know below! And remember you can always follow me on Twitter @krieli1 so you never miss a review.


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