Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Revolution: “Home” Review Free on klikvideo.com

Warning: full spoilers for the episode follow.

Only time for a quick review this week, but wanted to touch on this very soapy episode of Revolution. It often feels as though the writers on Revolution are playing some grand-scale game of mad libs. Story threads, plotlines and characters arcs are picked-up, dropped and then abruptly returned to with alarming regularity. Generally speaking, television shows will weave in various storylines throughout the course of a season. Lost was famous for beginning one character’s backstory and then continuing on several episodes later. The central characters full histories took seasons to unfold, in fact. The intertwining of the various tales, particularly in the first season, was done with finesse on that series, though. As a viewer, it felt as though we were being lead through an intricately crafted labyrinth, and were in the hands of people who had the map.

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