Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Revolution Season 1 Review “Home” Free on klikvideo.com

Revolution Episode 15 Home (9)

This week Revolution went ‘Home’. As part of their neverending game of cat and mouse, Monroe lured Miles into a trap by taking their entire hometown hostage. This included Emma, Miles’ ex-fiancee and Monroe’s ex-lover. Meanwhile, in the Plains Nation, Aaron found the wife he had left behind fifteen years ago.

Dear reader, are the writers playing some sort of cliche bingo, seeing how many tropes they can hit in each episode?

It was easy to see how the episode would end as soon as it started. Take Emma, for example; Miles already has Norah and Rachel, and Monroe, the bad guy, can’t be given something that makes him happy, so Emma’s death was telegraphed from the start. The only surprise here was that her son belonged to Monroe, not Miles, although that will probably come up for debate later on. Why did they even need to have a woman who had been with both guys, anyway? Why wasn’t the threat to their hometown enough to lure Miles out? Hell, at this point Monroe could just have asked Miles to meet him somewhere and the big ego would have done the rest.

Aaron’s storyline was absolutely pointless. He finds his wife, they make their peace and then she goes off back to the family she made after he left. Now what? Presumably Aaron will continue on as he always has, being the techy geek (who now doesn’t get to be involved in the techy side of things) who hasn’t lost any weight even after walking for well over a thousand miles. (Seriously, can someone explain that? How is that even possible?) Unless Priscilla pops up again soon to help with the Militia and/or tower situation, this added nothing to the show.

It wasn’t all bad though. Kelly Foster, president of the Georgia Federation, wanted a new soldier to keep tabs on Miles and his rebel army, and since her own man was useless at this, she went for Neville. (He apparently went to her with intel after the events of the past few episodes.) This was great, and the idea of Miles having to play nice with Neville in order to keep Georgia sweet is kind of awesome. It sets up some great father/son conflict when he sees Jason again, which is a bonus.

Overall, a decent watch, but one that had the potential to be so much better. Here’s hoping Neville makes things a lot more interesting for the rebels, and for us, next week.

What did you think of ‘Home’, dear reader? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


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