Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Castle Recap: 'Where Are We Going…?' Free on klikvideo.com

This week’s episode of ABC’s Castle opened with Kate wondering if Rick was taking her for granted. But by hour’s end, an even more dire question was leaving her lips.

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Vaskett, anyone?

Yes, I jest, but this episode unfortunately fulfilled the promise of the teaser clip that we ran on Monday afternoon (of the frustrating videogame/striptease squabble), by raising, repeatedly, big questions about the “Caskett” relationship.

So many things that billionaire Erik Vaughn said to Kate, his personally requested security detail, just hung there in the air, heavy. For one, there was: “Do you have any idea how remarkable you are…? You don’t, do you?” But perhaps his most pointed point was made as Beckett labored to qualify her and Castle’s “complicated” relationship status. “Kate, there’s nothing complicated about meeting a woman like you and knowing what do to.”

Like, seriously — I’m writing that one down and keeping it in my wallet for reference.

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The Case of the Week, if I may sidetrack for a moment, was almost incidental, though it at least gave us Castle in full-on crimesolver mode, driving the investigation like a dog with a bone versus just helping Beckett & Co. fill in gaps and connect dots.

All the while, Rick could only feel anxiety over his lady love’s increasingly close proximity to her asset, especially when circumstances required them to share a luxe hotel suite. Hell, Castle even couldn’t get reassurance from his mother. “Technically, she’s not really committed at all,” Martha said, miming a bare ring finger.

Having been sufficiently spooked by this sudden interjection of a “rival” — one who locked lips, ever so briefly, with his girlfriend — Rick set out to atone for his sinful oversights, “symbolically” cutting the cord with his videogames and such, then offering Kate to an ultra-romantic full-body massage.

But in the instant that followed, what was more sad — Kate asking, “Castle, where are we going?” or his not recogni ing what she was really getting at?

Should Caskett fans be very afraid? Factoring in that this episode technically came “after” the postponed one in which they spend much of the hour recounting their romance? And factoring in that in another two weeks, Carlos Bernard (24) guest-stars as another handsome person of interest (to an investigation)?

It’s great that this episode (and next week’s rescheduled “Still”) are taking a close look at the central couple, as unsettling a mood as it sets. But where do you think it is all leading?

P.S. Can’t wrap up without giving props to Ryan’s LOL-worthy, “I think I have all I need here….”

P.P.S. Imagine if Ioan Gruffudd had been cast as Josh back in the day. Season 3 woulda been a lot different, no?

Want scoop on Castle, or for any other show? Email mattmtvguy@gmail.com and your question may be answered via Matt’s Inside Line.


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