Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Revolution Review: Welcome to Georgia Free on klikvideo.com

In “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia” Miles brings Nora, Charlie, and his excess baggage to The Georgia Federation.

Charlie & Miles

The Georgia Federation is already an interesting development, and its President, Kelly, is the complete opposite of Monroe. The two states feel quite different: Monroe brought his republic together, and made something out of nothing but chaos. Since then, though, he’s just gotten cra ier as his power grew.

Kelly is completely opposite of Monroe in demeanor and leadership. While it could be a front, from prosperity alone Georgia is far superior to the Republic in every way except having power. They have aid from England, steam power, ships, and plenty of soldiers. On face value alone, Kelly completely outshines Monroe. She cares for her people and makes sure they are evacuated away from Monroe’s nuke threat.

Contrasted with Monroe who only consolidated power for himself, only provides steam power to his militia, and rules with an iron fist again any uprisings. No wonder Georgia is prospering.

In fact, I would rather we spend the rest of the Revolution Season 1 in Georgia.

Miles, for all of his past mistakes, continues to change as he grows closer to Charlie. Miles is still living in his past though, and Miles’ baggage brought more danger to him and Charlie in this installment. Miles, reali ing this, tells Charlie:

Miles: The truth is people count on me, and they get hurt. You want to know why? Because I hurt them, and I don’t even think twice about it. That’s who I am Charlie. | permalink

Miles want to stop any sort of relationship he has with Charlie before his violent past catches up to him. It’s all out of love, but it’s a vicious cycle. Miles is looking for relationships, but when he finds them he self-sabotages, he cuts and runs, or he simply looks the other way. He did so with Alec, and he did something like it to Rachel.

While I have mostly ignored the theories that Miles is Charlie’s real father, that quote and his actions certainly makes the theory a little more plausible.

Rachel and Aaron’s trip to the tower took a small detour to Jane and Beth, old friends of Rachel. Along with the pit stop came some new information about the nanites. Danny’s original surgery shown a few episodes prior was implanting him with the nanites to keep him alive. Jane’s wife, Beth, has been able to survive with stage four cancer for years now thanks to the nanites in the air.

This makes me wonder why is it merely all or nothing with the nanites. Why can’t Rachel turn on the power, but keep the nanites on for those who need them medically?

As Rachel interacted with Jane it became clear that Miles isn’t the only one with baggage. Rachel has been holding all of this information about the nanites, the tower, and no doubt so much more all so she could keep Danny alive. It makes complete sense for Rachel the mother, and makes no sense for Rachel the scientist. Both of those ideologies have been eating away at her all of this time.

Revolution: “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia”

Editor Rating: 4.5 / 5.0






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Nick McHatton is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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